Welcome to
Barceló Pro
Register on Barceló Hotel Group's booking portal for professionals
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Register now and earn 100 welcome points
Barceló Pro is the Barceló Hotel Group booking portal for professionals, which allows you to book in the main destinations around the world at the best price guaranteed.
Simple and easy-to-use website.
Best rate guaranteed
Commission self-assessment.
Barceló Pro Rewards loyalty programme
The best benefits for agencies and professionals
The best destinations at the best price
Barceló Pro offers the best destinations in the world with the best price guaranteed. We also provide you with detailed information about our hotels and offers.
Meeting your requirements
We have an experienced sales team able to address all your needs and offer the best service: option to check-in online, telephone customer service throughout the booking process...
We reward you for your bookings
At Barceló Pro, we acknowledge your trust in our Barceló Pro Rewards loyalty programme. We reward all your bookings with points that you can redeem for gifts and unforgettable stays at our hotels.
How does Barceló Pro work?
1. Register for Barceló Pro
Participation in the programme is completely free. We'll give you 100 points just for registering!
2. Book hotels at the best price
Book hotels with the best online price, as well as the best services and exclusive benefits.
3. Manage your bookings
You can manage your bookings efficiently, quickly and easily from the programme's private area.
4. Enjoy your points
We award all your bookings with points that you can redeem for gifts and stays.
And if that's not enough...
Meetings and Events
Discover the best hotels for meetings and events.
Courses and webinars
Take courses and webinars about our hotels and earn points to redeem for gifts and stays.
Barceló Brand Manager
Access all the Barceló Hotel Group brand and communication material.
Barceló Expert
Reach Platinum Level through bookings and training and become a certified Barceló Hotel Group agent.
The best benefits for professionals
Access the best destinations at the best price and enjoy all the benefits of Barceló Pro Rewards