Program terms and conditions

These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter the “CG”) regulate the access and use of the Barceló Pro program, property of Barceló Gestión Hotelera, S.L.

Party Identification


1. On the one hand, for the purposes of the provisions in article 10.1 of Law 34/2002 on July 11, regarding information society services and email, it is stated that the service provider is BARCELÓ GESTIÓN HOTELERA, S.L. (hereinafter, “Barceló”), with registered office at C/ José Rover Motta 27, 07006, Palma de Mallorca, España, with CIF B-07.918.287, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Mallorca, folio 62, volume 1606, section 8ª, page PM-30,506, Record no. 1 We will also provide you with the following contact email so you may send us your comments:


And, on the other hand, the legal person hereinafter  "Member”, who is registered as a member of the Barceló Pro program (hereinafter the  “Program”  or  “Barceló Pro”)


2. The Member hereby states that they have the legal capacity to register at Barceló Pro in accordance with these GTC, which they understand in its entirety. In case an unauthorized person enters into an agreement by the Member on behalf of said Member, Barceló shall not be liable under any circumstances and the Member shall bear the expenses that it may cause.  


3. The Program benefits may not be used in conjunction with those of any other card or program from participating companies. The Member shall have the right to choose the program that they would like to get the benefits from.


Purpose of Program


4. The Program is based on transactions made on behalf of the company registered through your Barceló Pro account.




5. Any company related to the travel sector (such as, for example, agencies or TTOO) or any other sector (hereinafter the COMPANY) may be a Member of the Program. Moreover, Members may be employees or collaborators of Companies that are in compliance with the provisions established in these GC. 


6. The Member may register Barceló Pro by filling out the “New Company” form with the company manager’s information in the “Register your company” section. Once the Barceló team approves the new Member, Barceló will send an email to the address provided by the Member so that they may access the Program. 


7. When registering, the company will receive a customer ID code, by which its employees may be registered in the program. 


8. The Program may remove the Registered Members who have not had any activity within the period of one (1) year.  


9. Barceló, as the Program's proprietary company, reserves the right to remove the user code and password and require the applicable responsibilities from the Barceló Pro Member who makes undue or fraudulent use of the Program or fails to comply with the rules and procedures contained in these GC. 


10. Each Member shall have an account where the corresponding booking transactions will be stored with their respective dates. 


11. The booking transactions generated by a Member may not be transferred to the account of another Member of the Program.




12. For the purposes set out in Article 27.a) of the LSSI, entering into an agreement through Barceló Pro shall be carried out through the following steps: 


a) Selection of the hotel on the homepage using the search parameters as well as the stay dates. 

b) Selection of room type, number of rooms, and number of people. 

c) Select extras and additional services to display the final price.  

d) Enter the customer and information on the payment method. 

e) Once the booking has finished, the Member will receive two vouchers with information for the Owner (with details regarding the payment method and breakdown of the commission) as a voucher for the end client.


13. Once the booking is completed, the features of the booking may only be modified by the Member if the terms and conditions are established regarding the rate and in the terms that have been specifically included, subject at all times to the hotel’s availability and with applicable handling fees, which may be made with regarding the bookings made through the Program, by the following ways: 

- Through the MANAGE BOOKING section.  

- Through our Call Centers. 

- By accessing our Help Page and completing the form created for booking changes. 


14. In accordance with the provisions of Art. 93.2.b LGDCyU, the legal regulation related to the right of withdrawal shall not apply to bookings made through the Program, being in any case application the specific conditions of the offer in terms of cancellation, which may be made effective with respect to bookings made through the Program through the alternatives listed below: 

- Through the MANAGE BOOKING section.  

- Through our Call Centers. 

- Accessing our Help Page and completing the form created for canceling bookings. 


15. You are expressly informed that the cancellation of the booking made through the Program may entail applying processing fees, estimated either generically or specifically based on the date on which such cancellation is received; all this is according to the minimum notice period and the amount of such expense that in each case had been foreseen regarding the CANCELLATION section included in the RATE CONDITIONS applicable to the booking. 


In the absence of a specific provision in the CANCELATION section included in the RATE CONDITIONS, it shall be understood by default that the minimum notice to communicate cancelation will be 2 DAYS before the expected arrival date to the hotel (check-in), with the following applicable handling fees or penalty charges, as the case may be.  


The cancelation date shall be the date on which BARCELÓ receives notification of your intention to partially or fully cancel the booking.


Penalty for canceling at least 2 days in advance:


- Hotels in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Cuba: €5.00 (EUR). 

- Hotels in USA and LATAM (except Cuba): $5.00 (USD).  


Penalty for canceling less than 2 days in advance: 


- Hotels in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Cuba: 50% of the booking price. 

- Hotels in the USA and Latin America (except Cuba): 50% of the booking price. 


16. Unless the cancellation was made according to the previous paragraphs, in the event of no-shows in the hotel by 6 p.m. (local destination time) on the expected arrival date, the booking will be automatically canceled and the customer will be charged the amount specifically established in the NO SHOW section included in the RATE CONDITIONS applicable to the booking.  


In the absence of a specific provision in the “NO SHOW” paragraph included in the RATE CONDITIONS, by default you will be charged the amount equivalent to the price of the first night of the booking. 


If you plan to arrive at the hotel later than 6 PM (local time of the hotel), please contact the hotel directly (according to the contact information that appears on the booking voucher) to advise them of this circumstance; in this regard, the channels (i), (ii), and (iii) are foreseen in the CANCELATION section of these general terms and conditions, which will not be valid for any late arrival at the hotel. 


17. The detailed bookings on the previous item may be paid by some of the following options: 

a) Prepayment by transfer to the hotel account.  

b) Prepayment by transfer to the Global  Collect account. 

c) Direct payment from the end customer at the hotel. 

d) Prepayment by card.

Legal Notice

1. Legal information


Under the terms set out in Art. 10.1 of Law 34/2002, established on July 11, regarding information and email services, we hereby indicate that the service provider is BARCELÓ GESTIÓN HOTELERA S.L., (hereinafter referred to as BARCELÓ HOTEL GROUP) with its office in Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain), C/ Josep Rover Motta, no. 27, CP 07006, with CIF (Código de Identificación Fiscal [Corporate Tax ID]) B-07.918.287, registered in the Mallorca Mercantile Register, sheet 62, volume 1606, section 8, page PM-30.506, entry 1. We will also provide you with the following contact email so that you can send us your comments:


2. Users 


The access and/or use of the BARCELÓ HOTEL GROUP website is attributed to the user status, which accepts, from this access and/or use, the terms and conditions of this website's use. The said terms and conditions shall apply regardless of the General Contract Terms and Conditions, which are not mandatory in their cases.


3. Personal data protection


For more information, please consult our privacy policy.


4. Industrial and intellectual property 


All content included on this website, for example, but not limited, items, texts, designs, photographs, images, logos, videos, audios, databases, the software and the website as part of the BARCELÓ HOTEL GROUP correspond to the status of the domain, and/or the entity legitimized for its use in accordance with the licensing of third parties, therefore its use without prior authorization is prohibited. 


The brands, trademarks, logos, and any other distinctive signs found on the website are either the property of BARCELÓ HOTEL GROUP or this entity holds the corresponding user license for their inclusion on the website. 


Any use and/or exploitation will require prior authorization from BARCELÓ HOTEL GROUP, which may be managed through the content use licensing website prior to the user's acceptance of the conditions of use. In the absence of express authorization, and without prejudice to the aforementioned terms, users are prohibited from reproducing, distributing, publicly disclosing, and changing the content and/or brands for commercial purposes or financial gain.


5. Exclusion of guarantees and liability


In no event shall BARCELÓ HOTEL GROUP become responsible for any damages caused by any kind that may cause, for example: errors or missing content, lack of portal availability, or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the content, despite having adopted all the necessary technological measures to avoid it.


6. Applicable law and jurisdiction 


This Legal Notice is governed by Spanish legislation. Any litigation that may arise related to the website or the activity implemented in it shall be held in the competent courts of Palma de Mallorca, and the user may expressly revoke another user to any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.


I.- Who is responsible for handling your data?

The entity in charge of your data is Barceló Gestión Hotelera, S.L. (hereinafter “BGH”) with registered office at c/ Josep Rover Motta, 27, 07006, of Palma de Mallorca. If you have any queries regarding data protection, please contact the BGH Data Protection Officer by email


II.- Why are we handling your data?

BGH hereby informs the interested party that their data will be treated by BGH, for the following purposes: 


1. Registration of any company in the travel sector (wholesale travel agency or retailer) or any other sector.


Any company in the travel sector (wholesale travel agency or retailer) or any other sector (hereinafter, “the COMPANY”) may request registration to belong to the Barceló network by filling out the form located on this website. 


For this purpose, BGH requires a series of personal data identified by the COMPANY administrator as a representative of the entity covered with a legal capacity to bind the COMPANY. 


As a physical administrator of the company that is awarded to Barceló Pro, BGH requests your name, surname, ID, and contact details (telephone, email, and postal address). 


As a result of the COMPANY's registration, BGH will provide credentials to the effects that each entity or person affiliated with Barceló Pro may enter their specific area, consult the products and services of BGH and carry out the operations it considers appropriate (for example: requesting a booking at a hotel). 


In line with the previous point, once the COMPANY has formalized their registration they will receive an email address that is provided for verification of your account, to guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. 


The information requested is adequate and pertinent to the formalization of registration, so that, if not provided, BGH will not be able to answer the request made by the COMPANY. 


Legitimation: Such processing is necessary for the execution of the contract. 


2. Formalization of the employee registration or COMPANY member by providing the COMPANY with the communication of their data.


In the event that the registration of an employee or COMPANY member (individual) is carried out in the aforementioned COMPANY, the data regarding the employee/member (individual) will be managed as described in the previous purpose. 


The COMPANY must be aware that, by providing the information of the employee or member of his company, which is individual, he/she assigns the data to BGH. As a result, said COMPANY guarantees that it has informed the employee/member of the purposes for which BGH will process his/her data and that he/she obtained consent from his/her employee or company member for such purposes. 


Likewise, the COMPANY guarantees the truthfulness of the personal data concerning the employee or member of the COMPANY. 


Legitimation: This processing is used in the execution of the contract in terms of the registration of the employee or member of the COMPANY, which is carried out by the company based on consent obtained from the employee or member of the company. 


3. Sending information about available products for sale by the COMPANY or the employee or the COMPANY member.


BGH will send regular informative email notifications to the email provided by the company or the employee thereof, in order to keep you informed of BGH's products and services for the promotion and sale of the COMPANY. 


Legitimation: Such processing is necessary for the execution of the contract. 


4. Adhesion to Barceló Pro Rewards.


BGH, using the data obtained in accordance with the purposes of the aforementioned treatment, shall proceed to formalize the registration of the employee or COMPANY member in the Barceló Pro Rewards loyalty program, in accordance with the general conditions of adhesion to this program and to allow the participant to promote the sale of BGH's products and services. The registration of the employee or COMPANY member in the Barceló Pro Rewards program shall be carried out in accordance with the general terms and conditions of the Barceló Pro program, given that the employee or COMPANY member must be part of both programs to establish their registration. 


The member may obtain more information on the handling of their personal data for the purposes of registration in Barceló Pro Rewards on the following link: Link to Barceló Pro conditions


Legitimation: This processing is used in the execution of the contract when it comes to the registration of the COMPANY employee/member, and based on the consent obtained therefrom in relation to his/her employee/member. 


5. Sending available points newsletter, earning points, and exchanging them.


Once the Company's membership is completed in Barceló Pro Rewards, BGH shall send periodic notification of the points available for the entity or person adhered to Barceló Pro Rewards and the opportunities to obtain more points with which the employee or member of the COMPANY may obtain better visibility in the promotion of Barceló products and services. 


Legitimation: This processing is necessary for the execution of the contract relating to the Barceló Pro Rewards program. 


6. Compliance with accounting, legal, fiscal and administrative obligations.


Authentication: Such processing is necessary for the execution of the contract.


7. Contact to reply to questions.


BGH will process the representative or contact person of the COMPANY or the employee or COMPANY member in order to manage the response to questions received through the contact form. Likewise, BGH may contact said interested parties in any of the circumstances necessary for the attention of their request or the execution of the contract itself. 


Authentication: Such processing is necessary for the execution of the contract.


B. Analysis and study of page interactions.


BGH may process the data subjects’ personal data once they enter their credentials on the website, the purpose being to analyze interactions, movements, scrolls, visits, product consultation, which the interested party may make on their website. 


Legitimization: This processing is necessary to satisfy BGH's legitimate interests. The interested party may oppose that their data be treated for such purposes by following the instructions set out in section V. 


9. Cookie data processing.


Information regarding the cookies policy is located at the following link: cookie policy link.


III.- How long will we keep your data?

Any personal data that BGH has access to will be handled and preserved for the necessary amount of time for which they were collected and while the contract is effective between BGH and the COMPANY, or the employee/member thereof after acceptance of the program's general terms and conditions. 


Specifically, in the event that the COMPANY or its employees and its members do not carry out any interaction within a year at Barceló Pro Rewards, the profile will be modified to “inactive”, proceeding with the blocking of the data and starting the calculation of the term in order to proceed with the final deletion of the data in accordance with the following paragraph. 


Once the purpose of the processing has expired, BGH will retain the personal data, duly blocked, for the provision of the relevant Public Administrations, Judges, and Courts or the Tax Ministry during the term of prescribing the actions that may arise from the relationship maintained with the customer and/or the terms for legally authorized conservation. Once said time frames have passed, BGH shall proceed with the physical deletion of the data.


IV.- Who will we share your data with?

BGH may disclose data to: 


· Companies owning hotels. 


– Competent public bodies, judges and courts. 


· Besides the aforementioned data sharing, BGH works with third-party service providers that have access to customers’ personal data which process the referring data on behalf of BGH as a result of providing the services. To this end, BGH shall contract the provision of services by third parties that make use of their activity, for example, and not limited, in the following sectors: legal advice, multidisciplinary professional services, tech services, IT services. Suppliers include Salesforce Inc., a company located in the United States and covered by Privacy Shield.


V.- What rights do you require when providing us with your data?

The Interested Parties may, if they wish, exercise their rights to access, amend and delete their data, request that the processing of their personal data is limited, oppose, request the portability of their data, and to not be the object of automated individual decisions, by means of the following: 


By writing to the postal address indicated above. 


By sending an email request to 


In both cases, the interested party must attach to their request, a copy of their ID, Tax ID, or official document that proves their identity. 


The Interested Parties may, in relation to those treatments that are based on the obtaining of their consent, withdraw their consent through the procedure described in the previous paragraph.


VI.- VI.- I have detected an abnormality regarding my personal data or a third party, how can I give notice of this?

The interested party that, by any means, has knowledge of a potential breach or safety incident that has caused unauthorized access, alteration, modification, or deletion of unauthorized data regarding any personal data concerning or belonging to a third party, may send said incident to the email address


VII.- How have we obtained your data?

The personal data that BGH processes are the personal data collected through the forms provided on the website. 


In this case, the company's employee or COMPANY member information may have been communicated by the COMPANY, depending on the case.


VIII.- With which authority can you exercise your right to claim?

The interested parties may file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency in relation to the response they have received from BGH in dealing with their rights. 


In any case, the interested party is informed that the management of complaints regarding processing personal data will be handled by the Data Protection Officer of Barceló Hotel Group, located at c/ Josep Rover Motta, 27, 07006, in Palma de Mallorca or by sending an email to, attaching in both cases to this application, a copy of their DNI, Tax ID, or official document that identifies them.